OpenHierarchy 1.2.0 released
After 281 commits later and almost two years of work OpenHierarchy 1.2.0 has finally been released.
The changlelog since version 1.0.0 (available here) is quite respectable in size so here is quick summary of the most important changes:
- A new built in EventHandler with annotation support in AnnotatedSectionModule based modules
- A Apache Tribes based remote event handler for distributing events in clustered environments
- A global InstanceHandler for the those cases when a global instance is needed (also with annotation support in AnnotatedSectionModule)
- Rewritten module cache classes so they are concurrent and have better error handling
- Ability to import and export module descriptors for all types of modules via SystemAdminModule
- Prefixed all core database tables so that they now start with openhierarchy_
- Rewrote background module XML debug so all output is written to a single file
- Split UserHandler class into UserHandler and GroupHandler
- Split UserProvider interface into UserProvider and GroupProvider interfaces
- Added support for attributes on user and groups
- Added basic support for searching for users and groups
- Updated classpath to require Java 1.6
- Added AnnotatedRESTModule base class
- Added ModularCRUD base class and related interfaces and classes
- Rewrote login handling using a LoginHandler and LoginProviders
- Added a 100% Java based SAML 2.0 login provider
A 1.1.0 release was planned and came close to release but due the speed of the development at the time it was decided to postpone the release until later in the development cycle. This was done mainly to prevent the release from being deprecated too quickly after it's release due to the high number of changes coming in version 1.2.0.
New matching versions of all related utils projects have also been released at They are bundled along with all the other dependencies in the 1.2.0 release.
This release of OpenHiearchy has seen a lot of support from the Swedish municipalities of Härnösand, Sundsvall, Timrå, Kramfors and Örnsköldsvik via the RIGES project which developed Open ePlatform using OpenHierarchy.
A new reference database has been committed to the repository and the reference designs have been updated. Based on this more documentation on how to get started with OpenHierarchy will become available later this year.
OpenHierarchy 1.0 released
OpenHierarchy 1.0.0 has finally been released after being in development for well over five years and having had no less than 1485 commits from the members of the development team.
This is a big milestone for project and to celebrate this a new revamped version of the website has been launched.
The old logo from 2009 has also been replaced with a new vector based version:
Both the compiled version and the source code for OpenHierarchy 1.0.0 is available from the Downloads section.